Life Development Institute

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Welcome to our Virtual Zoom Life Development Institute. We are committed to helping you in your Spiritual growth. 

A church should feel like a family. It shouldn't feel like an event to attend, but a place to belong. That's why LDI (Life Development Institute) is important - because we weren't meant to go through life alone. When it comes to finding your purpose, using your God-given gifts to serve, and surrounding yourself with community, we're giving you a deliberate path to follow. It's a path that won't confuse you or leave you in the dark.

So don't think of LDI as just Bible Study. Think of it as a way to find your purpose and your people, because there's more for you at Community Nazarene Church than just attending a weekend service. You have the opportunity to discover your purpose and start living out all that God has for you.

Here's what you can look forward to in the fall of 2021:
  • Learn about why you're here and why you matter.
  • Connect with others and start intentionally building your community.
  • Get a glimpse into the history and vision of Community Nazarene Church, and the amazing events that led to where we are today.
To get connected to our Virtual Zoom Life Development Institute, at 8:00pm every Thursday evening, use your Zoom app - Meeting ID 9681701049 Passcode 9206844.

58 Cumberbach Street
Wyandanch, NY 11798

© Copyright 2022 by Community Nazarene Church